
Translations are my own where none is listed. 

Aetius of Amida, Tetrabiblion. Ed. Alessandro Olivieri, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum VIII/2 
           (Berlin, 1950), pp. 417-18. Trans. C. P. Jones, "Stigma and Tattoo," in Written on the Body: 
           The Tattoo in European and American History, ed. Jane Caplan (Princeton, 2000). 
          "How to Remove a Tattoo": 4-5.

Agricola, Georgius. De re metallica. Trans. Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover, De re 
          metallica libri XII (London, 1912).
          "How to Get Rich": 6.

Aldobrandino of Siena, Le régime du corps de Maître Aldebrandin de Sienne, ed. Louis Landouzy and 
          Roger Pépin (Paris, 1911), 71-82. Transl. Faith Wallis, Medieval Medicine: A Reader, 495-6.

Amanieu de Sescás, Enssenhamen de l'escudier. Transl. Mark. D. Johnston, "The
          Occitan Enssenhamen de l'escudier and Essenhamen de la donzela of Amanieu de Sescás," in               Medieval Conduct Literature: An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths, with           English Translations, ed. Mark. D. Johnston (Toronto, 2009).
         "How to Look Good on a Budget": 32-3.

Anne de France, Enseignements à sa fille, trans. Sharon L. Jansen, Anne of France: Lessons for My 
          Daughter (Cambridge, 2004).
          "How to Dress (Teen Girl Edition)": 37.

Apuleii liber de medicaminibus herbarum (BL Harley 4986). Ed. and transl. George C. Druce, "The
          Elephant in Medieval Legend and Art," Journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute 76 (1919).
          "How to Harvest the Mandrake": 46.

Arena, Antonius. Leges dansandi. Ed. and trans. John Guthrie and Marino Zorzi, "Rules of 
          Dancing." Dance Research 4, no. 2 (1986), 3-53.
          "How to Dress for Dancing": 27-8.
          "How to Impress Girls at a Dance": 33-5.
          "How to Save Your Soul at a Dance": 37.

Barberino, Francesco da. Reggimento e costumi di donna. Trans. Eleonora Stoppino, in Medieval 
          Conduct Literature: An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths, ed. Mark D. 
          Johnston (Toronto, 2009).
          "How to Please Italian Gentlemen": 137.

Basse, William. A Helpe to Memory and Discourse (London, 1630).
          "How to Improve Memory": 21. 

Beecher, Catharine E. Physiology and Calisthenics for Schools and Families (New York, 1856).
          "How to Bust a Move": 228.

Berchtold, Leopold. An Essay to Direct and Extend the Inquiries of Patriotic Travellers (London,
          "How to Interview People Abroad": 99, 187, 260, 320, 428.

Bernhard, Christoph. Von der Singkunst oder Manier. Trans. Walter Hilse, "The Treatises of Christoph
           Bernhard," The Music Forum III (1973): 1-196.
          "How to Sing": 25.

Blaikie, William. How to Get Strong and How to Stay So (New York, 1884).
          "How to Get Strong": 236.

The Booke of Pretty Conceits: Taken out of Latine, French, Dutch and English (London, 1628).

Boorde, Andrew. The Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge (London, 1562).
          "How to Interpret Italian Gestures": Chapter XXV.

Brasca, Santo. Viaggio in Terrasanta. Ed. Anna Laura Momigliano Lepschy. Viaggio in Terrasanta di  
          Santo Brasca 1480 (Milan, 1966), 
          "How to Pack for a Voyage": 128-9.

Caroso, Fabritio. Nobilità di dame. Ed. and trans. Julia Sutton, Courtly Dance of the Renaissance: A 
           New Translation and Edition of the Nobilità di Dame (1600) (New York, 1995).
           "How to Wear Platform Shoes": 141.

Chamberlayn, John, trans. The Manner of Making Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate (London, 1685).
          "How to Make Coffee": 8-10.

Christine de Pizan, The Treasure of the City of Ladies, tr. Sarah Lawson (London, 2003).
          "How to Be a Powerful Woman": 45-6.

Cobleigh, Rolfe. Handy Farm Devices and How to Make Them (New York, 1910).
          "How to Make a Dog Do Chores": 67-8.

A Collection of Above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick and Surgery; for the Use of All 
          Good Wives, Tender Mothers, and Careful Nurses (London, 1714).
          "How to Make Waffles": 95-6.

The Complete Vermin-Killer: A Valuable and Useful Companion for Families, in Town and Country,
          4th ed. (London, 1777).
          "How to Kill Bedbugs": 4.
          "How to Garden with Lobsters": 66.
          "How to Intoxicate Waterfowl": 40.

Della Casa, Giovanni. Il Galateo overo de' costumi. Trans. Konrad Eisenbichler and Kenneth R. 

          Bartlett, A Renaissance Treatise on Manners (Toronto, 2001).
          "How to Party Like a Scholar": 9-10.

Della Casa, Giovanni. Il Galateo overo de' costumi. Trans. M. F. Rusnak, Galateo: Or, The Rules of 
           Polite Behavior (Chicago, 2013).
          "How to Tell Jokes": 47.
          "How to Talk About Your Kids": 48-9.

Dickinson, Francisco. A Precious Treasury of Twenty Rare Secrets (London, 1649).
          "How to Keep Wine from Going Sour": X.

The Distaff Gospels: A First Modern Edition of Les Évangiles des Quenouilles, ed. and trans. Madeleine 
            Jeay and Kathleen Garay (Peterborough, ON, and Orchard Park, NY, 2006). 
            "How to Enchant Your Lover" 
            "How to Maintain a Relationship"

Duncan, Thomas Cation. How to Be Plump, or Talks on Physiological Feeding (Chicago, 1878).
           "How to Be Plump": 51; 54; 45.

Gainsford, Thomas (?). The Rich Cabinet...Whereunto is Annexed the Epitome of Good Manners,    
          Extracted from Mr. Iohn de la Casa, Arch-bishop of Beneventa (London, 1616). 

Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy (London, 1774).
          "How to Make Ketchup": 240. 

Gould, John Mead. Hints for Camping and Walking: How to Camp Out (New York, 1877).
          "How to Pack for Camping": 17.

Graecus, Marcus. Liber ignium ad comburendos hostes. Ed. and trans. J. R. Partington, A History of    
          Greek Fire and Gunpowder (Baltimore, 1960).
          "How to Make Bird Missiles": 46.

Haney, Jesse. Haney's Art of Training Animals (New York, 1809).
          "How to Train Your Cat to Do Tricks": 148-9.

Haskins, Charles Homer. "The Life of Medieval Students As Illustrated by Their Letters." The American 
          Historical Review 3, no. 2 (1898), 203-29. 
          "How to Succeed at University": 214. 

Heim, R. L. M. "Incantamenta magica graeca latina." Jahrbuch für Classiche Philologie Suppl. 19
          "How to Cure a Headache": 556.

Hierophilus the Sophist, Dietary Calendar. Trans. Andrew Dalby, Tastes of Byzantium: The Cuisine 
          of a Legendary Empire (London, 2003).
          "How to Make It Through November": 168.
          "How to Bathe in January": 162.

Hildegard of Bingen, Physica, tr. Priscilla Throop (Rochester, VT, 1998).
          "How to Use Wheat": 10-11.

Hill, Thomas. Naturall and Artificiall Conclusions (London, 1649).
          "How to Walk on Water": xlix.

Hooper, Emma M. "Hints on Home Dress-Making." The Ladies' Home Journal 7 (November 1890). 
          "How to Dress Your Child": 23. 

Johannes de Mirfield, Breviarium Bartholomei, trans. Percival Horton-Smith Hartley and Harold
          Richard Aldridge, Johannes de Mirfield of St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield; His Life and Works 
          (Cambridge, 1936).
          "How to Tell if Someone Is or Is Not Dead": 69.

Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer's Manual of the Fifteenth Century (University 
          Park, PA, 1997).
          "How to See the Future": 105. 

Lawson, William. A New Orchard and Garden (London, 1631).
          "How to Exercise in Your Orchard": 71-2.

Lupton, Thomas. A Thousand Notable Things, of Sundry Sortes (London, 1579).
          "How to Cure Laryngitis": 154-5

Leipzig University Statutes, ed. Friedrich Zarncke, Die Statutenbücher der Universität Leipzig, trans.  
          Robert Francis Seybolt, The Manuale Scholarium: An Original Account of Life in the Mediaeval           University (Cambridge, MA, 1921).  
"How to Treat the Freshmen": 21-2, n. 6 (translation slightly modified). 

Le Ménagier de Paris. Trans. Gina L. Greco and Christine M. Rose. The Good Wife’s Guide: A 
          Medieval Household Book (Ithaca, NY, 2009).
          "How to Kill Flies": 140.

Martino da Como, The Art of Cooking: The First Modern Cookery Book, ed. Luigi Ballerini and tr. Jeremy 
          Parzen (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2005). 
          "How to Serve a Flaming Bird": 54.

Misson, Maximilien. A New Voyage to Italy (London, 1695).
          "How to Cure Seasickness": II.335

Moffet, Thomas. Health's Improvement: Comprizing and Discovering the Nature, Method, and 
          Manner of Preparing All Sorts of Foods Used in this Nation. Revised by Christopher Bennet.
          (London, 1746).
          "How to Eat Seasonally": 122.

Montaigne, Marie. How to Be Beautiful (New York, 1913). 
          "How to Practice Your Side Eye": 20.

Natural Magick by John Baptista Porta (London, 1658).
          "How to Make Men Rave": 219

Perrucci, Andrea. Dell'arte rappresentativa, premeditata, ed all'improvviso. Ed. and trans. Francesco
          Cotticelli, Anne Goodrich Heck, and Thomas F. Heck, A Treatise on Acting, From Memory and  
          By Improvisation (1699) (Plymouth, 2008).

          "How to Be a Serious Actor": 69-70.

Peter of Fagarola, Letter to His Sons. Lynn Thorndike, "Translation of a Letter from a Physician of
          Valencia to His Two Sons Studying at Toulouse." Annals of Medical History ser. 2, no. 3
          (1931): 17-20.

How to Exercise in Cold Weather: 20.

Platina, Bartolomeo. De honesta voluptate et valetudine. Trans. Mary Ella Milham, Platina, On Right   
          Pleasure and Good Health: A Critical Edition and Translation of De honesta voluptate et 
          valetudine (Tempe, Ariz., 1998).
          "How to Spend Your Summer": 111.
          "How to Make an Eel Pie": 374-5.

Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper, For the Use and Ease of Ladies, 
          Housekeepers, Cooks, &c. (London, 1786).
          "How to Make Pink Pancakes": 167.

Repton, John Adey. Some Account of the Beard and the Moustachio, Chiefly from the Sixteenth to the 
           Eighteenth Century (London, 1839).
          "How to Woo with Whiskers": 23.

Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum. The Regimen of Health of the Medical School of Salerno. Tr. Pascal P. 
           Parente (New York, 1967).
          "How to Care For Your Teeth": 38.

Richard of Bury. Philobiblon. Transl. E. C. Thomas (London, 1903). 
          "How to Handle Books": XVII, p. 105.

Salernitanus, Richardus. Anatomia. Ed. I. Schwarz, Die Medizinischen Handschriften der K. 
          Universitätsbibliothek im Würzburg (Würzburg, 1907).
          'How to Make Someone Die of Laughter": 90.

Sanborn, Kate. "Fashion, and How Far to Follow It." In Tact, and Other Essays (Boston, 1899).
          "How to Adorn Yourself": 24.

Sarnelli, Pompeo (trans.). Della magia naturale del Signor Gio. Battista della Porta (Naples, 1677).
          "How to Detect Makeup": 330.

Scully, Terence, ed. and trans. The Neapolitan Recipe Collection: Cuoco Napoletano (Ann Arbor, MI,
          "How to Make Macaroni": 178.

Scully, Terence, ed. and trans. The Vivendier: A Critical Edition with English Translation (Devon,
          "How to Serve a Live Bird at a Feast": 81.

Shafer, Daniel R. Secrets of Life Unveiled (Baltimore, 1877).
          "How to Flirt With a Handkerchief": 231.

Smiley's Cook Book (Chicago, 1896).
          "How to Make a Watermelon Cake": 387.

Smith, Robert. The Universal Directory for Taking Alive and Destroying Rats, and All Other Kinds of Four-Footed and Winged Vermin, in a Method Hitherto Unattempted (London, 1768). 
          "How to Catch a Rat": 121.

Strangehopes, Samuel. A Book of Knowledge in Three Parts (London, 166[4]).
          "How to Stop Bleeding": 92.

T. T., A Rich Treasure (London, 1698?)
          "The Past Asks You: Apple Economics": 34.

Tagliacozzi, Gaspare. Letter to Girolamo Mercuriale. In M. T. Gnudi and J. P. Webster, The Life and 
          Times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi. Surgeon of Bologna 1549-1599 (New York, 1950).

Theophrastus of Eresus. On Weather Signs. Ed. and trans. David Sider and Carl Wolfram Brunschön 
          (Leiden, 2007).
          "How to Predict Rain": 67-70.

Thévenot, Melchisédech. The Art of Swimming, Illustrated by Forty Proper Copper-Plate Cuts, Which 
          Represent the Different Postures Necessary to be Used in that Art. With Advice for Bathing, 3rd    
          ed. (London, 1789).
          "How to Trim Your Toenails Underwater": 47-8.

Thorndike, Lynn. "Advice from a Physician to His Sons," Speculum 6, no. 1 (Jan., 1931): 110-114.
          How to Dress Warmly: 113.

Traicte nouveau, intitule, bastiment de receptes: nouvellement traduict de Italien en langue Françoyse 
          (Poitiers, 1539).

The Trotula: A Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine. Ed. and trans. Monica H. Green 
          (Philadelphia, 2001). 
          "How to Wash Your Hair": 171. 
          "How to Treat Redness of the Face": 141.
          "How to Slim Down": 123.
          "How to Use Dry Shampoo": 114-5.

"Velox." Velocipedes, Bicycles, and Tricycles: How to Make and How to Use Them (London, 1869). 
          "How to Make an Ice Velocipede": 112.

Venner, Tobias. Via recta ad vitam longam II (London, 1623). 
          "How to Drink Beer": 44-6. 

Vitruvius, On Architecture. Trans. Richard Schofield (New York, 2009).
          "How to Test Water Quality": VIII.4.

Walker, Donald. British Manly Exercises (Philadelphia, 1836).
          "How to Run": 29-32.

Wecker, Johann Jacob. Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art and Nature (London, 1660).
          "How to Make Glow-in-the-Dark Ink": 270.
          "How to Put People to Sleep With Music": 295.

Wey, William. The Itineraries of William Wey, ed. B. Badinel (London, 1867).
          "How to Choose Your Seat on a Ship": 4.

White, John. A Rich Cabinet (London, 1658).

          "How to Make a Dragon out of Fireworks": 102-3.
          "How to Make a Rain of Fireworks": 60.

Youman, Alexander E. A Dictionary of Everyday Wants (New York, 1872).
          "How to Cause a Rat Stampede": 176.

Young, John H. Our Deportment, Or, the Manners, Conduct, and Dress of the Most Refined Society 
           (Detroit, 1881).
          "How to Dress for Bathing": 321.