“Well-positioned and advantageous lines are those that are either straight or a little bent, continuous, clear, not divided, not interrupted, not crossed or like an asterisk, or merging into each other… Lines that are crossed by other little lines, or intersect in the form of a cross, signify dangers, obstacles, and losses… if they are angled, bent, or twisted in some way, they indicate a character that is inconstant, sly, deceitful and frankly bad. Lines that are nice and large and conspicuous signify great and notable fates; small and obscure lines signify small and obscure fates… Great winding in the length of the lines is very bad. It identifies the most terrible and wicked people. Slightly bent lines signify wealth.”
Hagecius ab Hajek, Aphorismorum metoposcopicorum libellus unus
Listen, wrinkles are nothing to worry about. They just tell your story! Which is that you are a fraud and bad with money.
"Happy and fortunate." "Winding lines like this signify "Dangers in the water." a terrible character." |