John Gerard, The Herball (1636) |
"Asparagus cooked with wine alleviates pain of the loins and
kidneys, provokes urine, loosens the stomach, and frees the liver and kidneys
from attacks, especially the roots and seeds. But if asparagus is used too
much, it brings great harm, since it expels urine quickly, and irritates the
bladder, which is bad. It is believed to incite lust… asparagus is a helpful
food for a man, especially a newlywed having trouble in bed with an eager
spouse: if at first he is unable to please his wife, this will allow him
finally to have a sweet and loving partnership."
Hugo Fridaevallis, De tuenda sanitate
Ah, springtime, the season of love: the birds, the bees, the newlyweds gobbling asparagus...