Friday, June 29, 2018

How to Drink Beer, 1725

J. Nothnagel, Man with Beer (1772), Wellcome Library
“I have not known Thirst since I have used hot Beer: Let the Weather be never so hot, and my work great, yet have I not felt Thirst as formerly... But some will say, Cold Beer is very pleasant to one that is Thirsty: I answer it is true: But pleasant things for the most part are very Dangerous. Cold Beer is pleasant when extream Thirst is in the Stomach, but what’s more dangerous to the Health? How many have you known and heard of, who by drinking a cup of Cold Beer in extream Thirst, have taken a surfeit and killed themselves? ...Therefore we must not drink cold Beer because it is pleasant, but hot beer because it is Profitable.”  
A Treatise of Warm Drink
Reminder: cold beer is pleasant but like most pleasant things it brings death. Cheers!

Monday, June 25, 2018

How to Picnic, 1387

Getty MS 27, f. 60v (1430-1440)
"The place where the assembly will be held should be a beautiful green meadow, with beautiful trees all around, well separated from one another, and a clear fountain or some running water... And they should spread out towels and cloths everywhere on the green grass, and put out various meats in great abundance according to the power of the lord. And some people should eat sitting, some standing, some resting on their elbows; and some people should drink, some should laugh, perform and tell stories and play, and in short all the festivities and delights." 
Gaston Phoebus, Livre de chasse
Picnic success checklist:
well separated trees
abundant meats
elbow resters
designated drinkers

Friday, June 1, 2018

How to Remove Wrinkles, 12th century

BL Harley 4425, f. 114r
For treating the wrinkles of old women, take a stinking iris, and extract the juice, and smear the face with that juice in the evening, and in the morning the skin will be raised, and it will crack. We treat the eruption with the aforementioned ointment which contains lily root, and by peeling off the skin, after it has been washed, it will appear very fine.  
The Trotula
Who needs Botox and chemical peels when you've got stinking iris?