Friday, January 17, 2014

How to Say it With Flowers, 1881

Edgar Degas, Woman Seated Beside a Vase of Flowers, 1865
"A bouquet of flowers and leaves may be selected and arranged so as to express much depth of feeling -- to be truly a poem. We present herewith a list of many flowers and plants, to which, by universal consent, a sentiment has become attached." 
Acacia--Concealed love.
Bladder-Nut Tree--Frivolous amusements.
Currants--You please me.
Dogwood Flowering (Cornus)--Am I indifferent to you?
Flax--I feel your kindness.
Fuchsia--The ambition of my love thus plagues itself.
Geranium, Ivy--Your hand for next dance.
Pine Apple--You are perfect.
Saffron--Excess is dangerous.
Sorrel--Wit ill-timed.
John H. Young, Our Deportment (1881)
The message I usually seek to communicate with flowers is "Why would you think I bought these at the grocery store?" But why stop there when you could ask someone to dance with a geranium or express charity with a turnip? And, after all, nothing says "frivolous amusements" like the Bladder-Nut Tree.

1 comment:

  1. Huh, I always wondered why roses were "the thing" to get women...I guess receiving a bouquet of
    them meant that the giver thought you were very beautiful. Interesting, thanks!


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